Tuesday 10 May 2016

Operation: Clean Out All The Crap

What a gorgeous weekend we had - it was the most relaxed I had been in ages.  Even the small humans played ball and were quite lovely for the majority of it.  It's amazing how everything seems better when the sun is shining and the 7am weekend get ups after a 1am bedtime are easier to deal with when you are sat in the garden rather than trying to stop your toes falling off with cold because you forgot to turn the heating timer on as you stumbled into bed totally ginned up!

I'm on a bit of a mission at the moment: Operation Clean Out All The Crap.  The amount of junk you amass as a parent is untrue.  Plastic bits of this.  Coloured bits of that.  Random dolls heads. Every time I open a cupboard or a drawer, a variety of useless stuff falls out on me and I curse it - but then I push it all back in and get on with my day.  Well, no more.  Starting tomorrow {always tomorrow} I am on a one woman mission to take my house back.  Room by room.  Cupboard by cupboard.  If we don't use it a lot then it's fair game.  Charity, Tip and eBay {just because I don't come across enough fuckwits in my day to day life, I thought I'd add a bit of auction, no paying,  timewasting fun in there, because we all know how much fun that is} will all be my 'friends'.  I have to time this right though as you know those toys that the small humans haven't looked at in 8 months will suddenly become all time favourites again if I don't get them bagged up and out of view before they see them all. 

Worse than them maybe, is when my sentimentality kicks in.  'Oh but I remember them wearing these' 'That was SO cute when it fitted 4 years ago' 'That one must go in the memory box'.  You know it, you've all done the same {haven't you?!}.  I am sentimental or attached to nothing else.  I'm really good at separating myself from things.  But when it comes to a rag of material that one of our offspring wore for 3 seconds or more, I am useless.  I don't even have the 'keep them for the future thing' as this baby making set up has closed its doors and won't be opening again.  It's got to the point that the biggest small human now asks for me to put some of her clothes in the memory box for when she has a baby! And how can I say no to that!?

If I manage this, I might think a bit more seriously about the KonMari (Marie Kondo) thing, but a huge part of me knows that it would just never stick here.  There are two tiny mess makers that would see to that! It would just be nice to have some 'space', where everything wasn't crammed full of crap! So we'll see.  For now, I'll take being able to get my knickers out my underwear drawer without having to claw my way through pay slips from 1996 and my part time job in Sports Direct {why are their mugs so massive?? And why do they desperately try and sell one every time you log into their website?? If anyone can enlighten me I'd really appreciate it}

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